Wednesday, October 1, 2008

so many preserves

Well, hi there. I've been quite the delinquent blogger. But I'm settled into my house now, so you'll get the blog tour soon. (When everything's clean, that is). For now, a glimpse at some of the fun projects going on around here: one of my housemates started the Food Preservation Society, a club for preserving food and exploring food traditions. The rest of us have been the lucky recipients of a large number of these tasty preserved goods.

Sauerkraut, with farmers market cabbage!

Bread and butter pickles! With cucumbers acquired for free at a local bar.

Tomatoes from the farmers market + a school-funded dehydrator:

Delicious home-dried tomatoes!

Apples picked from various trees around campus become...

Apple butter!

I think I'm pretty good at choosing housemates. Coming up: plum jam, green tomato and apple chutney, apple chips, fruit leather. Oh boy.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Our house looks so rustic!