Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fair is Fair

Grinnell College didn't know what it was missing before this year, seriously.

This past Sunday we hosted our second ever Craft & Art Fair on campus. The first took place last November, after Mal and our friend Fiona and I finally decided to put one together. It was a remarkable success--a surprisingly remarkable success for most of us, I think.

I'd never sold anything I'd made before that Craft Fair, and we had a number of other newbies like me, as well as some experienced budding entrepreneurs in the group. It was really a great mix.

This semester's fair, with Mallory gone & me not selling (just organizing and playing cashier), didn't feel quite as full, but was certainly as successful. We had hundreds of people stop by--and that's huge, on our busy little campus of just 1500 students.

One woman from town bought $100 of handspun yarn from one of our sellers; Fiona herself sold dozens of pairs of earrings made from watch-parts, typewriter keys, etc. And yes, some vibrator cozies were sold. Even a winter hat sold (although this cold April has certainly made that less surprising).

I took some pictures on Fiona's camera phone, having of course forgotten my own camera. I'll post them when I get them.

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